The essence of Olympus Quality
(Traditional Know-how for high Quality)

The essence of
Olympus Quality

At our factory, we pay close attention to meeting the varied needs of the market through small-lot production of a broad vriety of products.
Our production office boasts over a century of experience and results, and our unique accumulated know-how in unified processing from raw materials to finished products is how we earned our reputation for top-quality products.
Our dyeing process, which lets us make our colors exceptionally consistent, is just one of the ways our thorough quality management has helped our products become so beloved for so long.

The essence of
Olympus Quality

Carefully selected raw materials

Carefully selected raw materials

Exceptional products require exceptional materials,
so we use choice materials like premium Egyptian cotton,
trating them with care at each step of the way.


Know-how 1 Gassing

Passing cotton threads quickly through the flame of a gas burner, or "gassing"them, burns off unwanted fuzz for more even threads, brings out their luster, and increases their tensile strength.

Gas Quenching



Our major :
Emmy Grande has been made through these gassing products, so that it has a silky gloss.


Know-how 2 Mercerization

Mercerization consists of dipping threads into a pool of a special liquid, making them swell significantly, then shrink. These mercerized threads gain an evenly circular cross section, become stronger, and take on a silky luster.




Mercerization also helps to make a good luster and adsorption of dying materials, and on our dying process that let us make our colors exceptionally consistent.

Skein dyeing

Skein dyeing

Know-how 3 Dyeing

Finely honed skills and strict quality management are the keys to perfectly evenly dyed thread.
We pride ourselves on our incredibly consistent colors from sken to skein.


Many dying methods, we will bring you many various colors.

Shading /Step Dyeing

Shading /Step Dyeing

Kasuri dyeing

Kasuri dyeing

Cheese Dyeing

Cheese Dyeing

Distributing to the world

In addition to domestic sales within Japan, we export our products owrldwide. Our cutting-edge system helps us accurately deliver our products to more countries than ever, faster than ever.

world map